
Conjugation Site Influences Antibody-Conjugated Drug PK Assays: Case Studies for Disulfide-Linked, Self-Immolating Next-Generation Antibody Drug Conjugates


Immunoaffinity (IA) LC-MS/MS pharmacokinetic (PK) assays are widely used in the field for antibody drug conjugates (ADCs) containing peptide linkers that are enzymatically cleavable, such as MC-ValCit-PAB. Conjugate PK assay strategies for these ADCs involve cleavage with cathepsin B or papain to release and measure the antibody-conjugated drug (acDrug) concentration.
However, robust acDrug PK methods for disulfide-linked self-immolating ADCs are lacking as they are a different conjugation modality. We developed acDrug PK assays for next-generation disulfide-linked ADCs involving immunoaffinity capture, chemical cleavage, and LC-MS/MS. Disulfide-linked ADCs captured from plasma were chemically reduced at basic pH to release the linker-drug, followed by self-immolation to liberate the active drug, and quantified by MRM LC-MS/MS.
Herein, we detail the development and optimization of this chemical cleavage acDrug PK assay, resulting in robust accuracy and precision (<u>+</u>20%). The conjugation site of the linker-drug on the antibody was found to affect the kinetics of drug release.
Multiple biophysical and chemical characteristics, such as tertiary structure, fractional solvent accessibility, pKa of the conjugation site, surrounding residue’s pI, and electrostatic charge, may directly impact the drug release kinetics. Similar site-specific stability has been previously reported for ADCs in vivo.
The assay development and qualification data for this original assay format are presented along with its application to multiple in vitro and in vivo studies across species.

Gestational Dysfunction-Driven Diets and Probiotic Supplementation Correlate with the Profile of Allergen-Specific Antibodies in the Serum of Allergy Sufferers

Background: Maternal diet has significant effects on development of childhood atopic disease and hypersensitivity development. However, the gestational dysfunctions demanding special diets are becoming a widespread phenomenon, their immunological implications can be manifested in the profile of antibodies in the offspring’s serum.
Methods: 153 allergic and 150 healthy individuals were diagnosed for allergy using specific antibody and cytokine immunoassay tests. The medical history of subjects along with mothers’ course of pregnancy was completed by allergologist’s anamnesis. A self-organizing neural network and multivariate analyses to complex data and pick basic interactions were used.
Results: Two significant explanatory modules were determined. The first was formed by gestational diabetic and cholestatic diet, infant formula feeding type, probiotic supplementation and its BMI index, moderate IgE, increased IgG levels of antibodies and single or poly-food allergy type (7 clusters).
The second was formed by gestational vegan/vegetarian and elimination diet, maternal probiotic supplementation, sex, high IgE total antibodies and food and mixed poly-allergy to aero- and food-origin allergens (19 clusters).
Conclusions: Significant associations were observed between special gestational diet intake underlying foetal programming and the mechanisms of childhood allergy. The novelty is the positive association between diabetic and cholestatic diet intake and IgE/IgG-mediated food hypersensitivity.
Keywords: allergic patterns; allergy prevalence; artificial self-organizing neural network; foetal programming; gestational dysfunction-driven diets; probiotics supplementation; specific IgE-antibodies profile.



MBS221500-01mg 0.1mg
EUR 660


MBS221500-5x01mg 5x0.1mg
EUR 2795


MBS213142-05mg 0.5mg
EUR 1165


MBS213142-5x05mg 5x0.5mg
EUR 5080


MBS213345-02mg 0.2mg
EUR 935


MBS213345-5x02mg 5x0.2mg
EUR 4045

Tumor necrosis factor alpha TNF-? (72 - 82), human (AA: Pro-Leu-Ala-Gln-Ala-Val-Arg-Ser-Ser-Ser-Arg) (MW: 1171.33)

SP-86635-5 5 mg
EUR 343.2

Monoclonal Anti-Human Tumor Necrosis Factor-Alpha (TNF-alpha) IgG #1 aff. Pure

TNFA11-M 100 ug
EUR 578.4

Monoclonal Anti-Human Tumor Necrosis Factor-Alpha (TNF-alpha) IgG #2, aff. Pure

TNFA12-M 100 ug
EUR 578.4

Alpha 1-Antitrypsin, Human Plasma

A1AT15-N 1 mg
EUR 196.8

Alpha 2-Antiplasmin, Human Plasma

A2AP15-100 100 ug
EUR 196.8

Recombinant (E.Coli) Human p38 alpha/SAPK2 alpha

RP-675 1 ug
EUR 343.2

Rabbit Anti-Rat TNF-alpha Converting Enzyme (TACE) antiserum

TACE11-S 100 ul
EUR 548.4

Alpha 1-Antichymotrypsin , Human Plasma

A1CT15-N-100 100 ug
EUR 196.8

Rabbit Anti-Human alpha-Tubulin IgG

TUBA13-A 100 ul
EUR 578.4

Goat Anti-Human Tumor Necrosis Factor-Alpha (TNF-alpha) IgG #2, aff. Pure (neutralzing)

TNFA13-A 100 ul
EUR 578.4

Pig Tumor Necrosis Factor Alpha (TNF-a) ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative

9965 1 Kit
EUR 927.6

Recombinant (E.Coli) purified human Tumor Necrosis Factor-Alpha (TNF-alpha), biologically active

TNFA15-R-10 10 ug
EUR 270

Monoclonal Anti-Human alpha-Tubulin IgG

TUBA12-M 100 ul
EUR 578.4

Bovine Tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-A) ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative

9810 1 Kit
EUR 927.6

Canine Tumor Necrosis Factor alpha (TNF-a) ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative

10460 1 Kit
EUR 927.6

Rabbit Anti-human Topoisomerase II alpha (TOP2 alpha) IgG, aff pure

TOP2A11-A 100 ug
EUR 578.4

Chicken Anti-Human alpha 1 anti-trypsin IgG/Y

A1AT12-A 100 ul
EUR 578.4

Tumor necrosis factor alpha TNF-? (78-96) (human) (AA: His-Thr-Ile-Ser-Arg-Ile-Ala-Val-Ser-Tyr-Gln-Thr-Lys-Val-Asn-Leu-Leu-Ser-Ala) (MW: 2101.45)

SP-89730-1 1 mg
EUR 196.8

Rabbit Anti-Human p73 alpha antiserum # 2

P73A12-S 100 ul
EUR 548.4

Tumor necrosis factor alpha TNF-? (46-65) (human) (AA: Asn-Gln-Leu-Val-Val-Pro-Ser-Glu-Gly-Leu-Tyr-Leu-Ile-Tyr-Ser-Gln-Val-Leu-Phe-Lys) (MW: 2310.74)

SP-89728-1 1 mg
EUR 489.6

Rabbit Anti-Human Glutathione Transferase alpha (GST-alpha) antiserum

GSTA12-S 100 ul
EUR 548.4

Guinea pig Tumor Necrosis Factor Alpha (TNF-a) ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative

9870 1 Kit
EUR 927.6

Tumor necrosis factor alpha TNF-? (31 - 45), human (AA: Arg-Arg-Ala-Asn-Ala-Leu-Leu-Ala-Asn-Gly-Val-Glu-Leu-Arg-Asp) (MW: 1667.90)

SP-86636-1 1 mg
EUR 196.8

Human Alpha-Thrombin (human plasma), purified

TBNA16-N-100 100 ug
EUR 196.8

human Topoisomerase II alpha (TOP2 alpha) Control/blocking peptide

TOP2A11-P 100 ug
EUR 196.8

Recombinant Human Alpha-Synuclein

RP-847 20 ug
EUR 196.8

Rabbit Anti-Human Estrogen receptor alpha (ER-alpha) peptide IgG

ERA12-A 100 ug
EUR 578.4

Recombinant purified human TNF Receptor 2 (TNFR2/TNF-RII, Etannercept/TNF-R75, p75TNFR) protein (E.Coli, His-tag)

TNFR25-R-20 10 ug
EUR 343.2

Rabbit Anti-Human p73 alpha/beta antiserum # 1

P73A11-S 100 ul
EUR 548.4

Recombinant purified, human Interleukin-1 alpha (IL-1 alpha), active

IL1A15-R-10 10 ug
EUR 416.4

Monoclonal anti-human Alpha (FSH-Alpha), IgG clone 3 aff pure

FSHA12-M 1 mg
EUR 578.4

Goat Anti-human Alpha fetoprotein (AFP) IgG, pure

AFP13-A 1 mg
EUR 781.2

Goat Anti-Human Lutenizing Hormone Alpha (LH-Alpha) IgG aff pure

LHA13-A 1 mg
EUR 343.2

Tumor necrosis factor alpha TNF-? (10-36) (human) (AA: Asp-Lys-Pro-Val-Ala-His-Val-Val-Ala-Asn-Pro-Gln-Ala-Glu-Gly-Gln-Leu-Gln-Trp-Leu-Asn-Arg-Arg-Ala-Asn-Ala-Leu) (MW: 2996.41)

SP-89727-1 1 mg
EUR 270

Rabbit Anti-Rat TNF-alpha Converting Enzyme (TACE), IgG aff. Pure

TACE11-A 100 ug
EUR 578.4

Goat Anti-human Chorionic Gonadotropin Alpha (hCG-Alpha) IgG aff pure

HCGA13-A 1 mg
EUR 343.2

Rabbit Anti-Human HE2 alpha IgG #1, aff pure

HE2A11-A 100 ug
EUR 578.4

Rabbit Anti-Human p73 alpha/ IgG # 2, aff pure

P73A12-A 100 ug
EUR 578.4

Rabbit Anti-Human alpha-Tubulin IgG-HRP Conjugate

TUBA13-HRP 100 ul
EUR 518.4

Recombinant (E.Coli) Human Thyrostimulin Alpha

RP-595 10 ug
EUR 343.2

Rabbit Anti-Human alpha-Tubulin IgG-Biotin Conjugate

TUBA13-BTN 100 ul
EUR 562.8

Alpha 1-Antitrypsin (A1AT), Human protein control for WB

A1AT11-C 100 ul
EUR 343.2

Alpha 2-HS Glycoprotein, Human Plasma

A2HG15-N 1 mg
EUR 343.2

Alpha 2-Macroglobulin (A2M), Human Plasma

A2MG15-N 1 mg
EUR 196.8

Goat Anti-Human Alpha 1-Antitrypsin (A1AT) IgG, unlabeled

A1AT11-A 100 ul
EUR 489.6

Rabbit Anti-Human Resistin-Like protein alpha (RELM-alpha/FIZZ1) antiserum #2

RELMA12-S 100 ul
EUR 548.4

Chicken Anti-Human Alpha 2 Macroglobulin (A2M) IgG/Y

A2MG13-A 100 ul
EUR 578.4

Recombinant (E.Coli) Human Crystallin Alpha A

RP-611 20 ug
EUR 196.8

Recombinant (E.Coli) Human Crystallin Alpha B

RP-612 20 ug
EUR 196.8

Human Alpha Feto Protein (AFP) High Pure

AFP15-N 1 mg
EUR 854.4

Monoclonal Anti-Human Chorionic Gonadotropin Alpha (hCG-alpha) IgG #1, aff pure

HCGA11-M 1 mg
EUR 343.2


MBS226034-02mg 0.2mg
EUR 715


MBS226034-5x02mg 5x0.2mg
EUR 3045

Rabbit Anti-Human p73 alpha/beta IgG # 1, aff pure

P73A11-A 100 ug
EUR 578.4

Anti-Human TNF alpha

GWB-619378 1 mg Ask for price

Anti-Human TNF alpha

GWB-8F48ED 1 mL Ask for price

Anti-Human TNF-&alpha

GWB-BIG93C 500ug Ask for price

Monoclonal Anti-human Chronionic Gonadotropin Alpha (hCG-Alpha) IgG #2, caff pure

HCGA12-M 1 mg
EUR 343.2

Mouse Monoclonal Anti-human Alpha fetoprotein (AFP) (clone 1)

AFP11-M 1 mg
EUR 578.4

Mouse Monoclonal Anti-human Alpha fetoprotein (AFP) (clone 2)

AFP12-M 1 mg
EUR 578.4

Human Alpha Synuclein (A30P) Recombinant protein

SYN-A30P-R 50ug
EUR 315.6

Human Alpha Synuclein (A53T) Recombinant protein

SYN-A53T-R 50ug
EUR 315.6

Recombinant (E.Coli) Human Estrogen Receptor Alpha

RP-940 2 ug
EUR 416.4

Rabbit Anti-Human Alpha Defensin 4 (NP-4) antiserum #1

HDEFA41-S 100 ul
EUR 548.4

Rabbit Anti-Human Alpha Defensin 5 (NP-5),antiserum #1

HDEFA51-S 100 ul
EUR 548.4

Rabbit Anti-Human Alpha Defensin 6 (NP-6) antiserum #1

HDEFA61-S 100 ul
EUR 548.4

Recombinant (E.Coli) purified human Tumor Necrosis Factor-Alpha Variant (TNF-alpha variant, 151-aa), biologically active

TNFA16-R-10 10 ug
EUR 270

Human HE2 alpha Control/blocking peptide #1

HE2A11-P 100 ug
EUR 196.8

Human p73 alpha Control/blocking peptide #2

P73A12-P 100 ug
EUR 196.8

Sheep Anti-Human alpha 1 antichymotrypsin (ACT) IgG, aff pure

ACT11-A 100 ug
EUR 489.6

Rabbit Anti-Human GABAa Receptor alpha 1 (GAA1) Antiserum #1

GAA11-S 100 ul
EUR 548.4

Monoclonal anti-human Lutenizing Hormone Alpha (LH-Alpha) IgG, clone 2 aff pure

LHA12-M 1 mg
EUR 343.2

Recombinant (E.Coli) Human Casein Kinase 2 alpha

RP-666 3 ug
EUR 708

Recombinant (Sf9) Human Protein Kinase C alpha

RP-676 10 ug
EUR 343.2

Goat Anti-Human Alpha 1-Antitrypsin (A1AT) IgG, HRP conjugate

A1AT11-HRP 100 ul
EUR 489.6

Goat Anti-Human IgA (alpha chain sp.) IgG-Biotin Conjugate

10040 0.5 mg
EUR 242.4

Goat Anti-Ferret IgA (alpha), unlabeled

70519 0.5 mg
EUR 255.6

Filling the Antibody Pipeline in Allergy: PIPE Cloning of IgE, IgG 1 and IgG 4 against the Major Birch Pollen Allergen Bet v 1


Birch pollen allergy is among the most prevalent pollen allergies in Northern and Central Europe. This IgE-mediated disease can be treated with allergen immunotherapy (AIT), which typically gives rise to IgG antibodies inducing tolerance. Although the main mechanisms of allergen immunotherapy (AIT) are known, questions regarding possible Fc-mediated effects of IgG antibodies remain unanswered.
This can mainly be attributed to the unavailability of appropriate tools, i.e., well-characterised recombinant antibodies (rAbs). We hereby aimed at providing human rAbs of several classes for mechanistic studies and as possible candidates for passive immunotherapy.
We engineered IgE, IgG1, and IgG4 sharing the same variable region against the major birch pollen allergen Bet v 1 using Polymerase Incomplete Primer Extension (PIPE) cloning. We tested IgE functionality and IgG blocking capabilities using appropriate model cell lines.
In vitro studies showed IgE engagement with FcεRI and CD23 and Bet v 1-dependent degranulation. Overall, we hereby present fully functional, human IgE, IgG1, and IgG4 sharing the same variable region against Bet v 1 and showcase possible applications in first mechanistic studies.
Furthermore, our IgG antibodies might be useful candidates for passive immunotherapy of birch pollen allergy.

Recombinant Human LEC

MBS7608806-1mg 1mg
EUR 1800

Recombinant Human LEC

MBS7608806-5x1mg 5x1mg
EUR 6955

Human LEC (CCL16) Recombinant

MBS553045-0005mg 0.005mg
EUR 165

Human LEC (CCL16) Recombinant

MBS553045-0025mg 0.025mg
EUR 245

Recombinant Human LEC (CCL16)

MBS4159662-0025mg 0.025mg
EUR 385

Recombinant Human LEC (CCL16)

MBS4159662-1mg 1(mg)
EUR 4600

Recombinant Human LEC (CCL16)

MBS4159662-5x1mg 5x1mg
EUR 20445

Recombinant Human LEC (CCL16)

Z100325 25 µg
EUR 235
Description: CCL16 is a CC chemokine that specifically attracts lymphocytes, dendritic cells, and monocytes; increases their adhesive properties and has myelosuppressive activity. It is constitutively expressed in liver and is increased by interleukin 10 (IL-10) in activated monocytes. CCL16 is present in human plasma suggesting that it may be active outside hepatic tissue. CCR1, CCR2, CCR5, and CCR8 are the functional receptors of this chemokine.

Recombinant Human LEC (CCL16)

Z100329 1.0 mg
EUR 3900
Description: CCL16 is a CC chemokine that specifically attracts lymphocytes, dendritic cells, and monocytes; increases their adhesive properties and has myelosuppressive activity. It is constitutively expressed in liver and is increased by interleukin 10 (IL-10) in activated monocytes. CCL16 is present in human plasma suggesting that it may be active outside hepatic tissue. CCR1, CCR2, CCR5, and CCR8 are the functional receptors of this chemokine.

Human LEC/CCL16 Antibody Pair Set

ABPR-ZB293 5 plates, 15 plates Ask for price
Description: Quantitative determination of Human LEC/CCL16

Anti-Human LEC/NCC-4 Antibody

102-P51G 100 µg
EUR 245.7
Description: LEC or NCC-4 is a CC chemokine that can signal through the CCR8 and CCR1 receptors. It is expressed in the liver, spleen, and thymus. LEC is chemotactic towards monocytes and lymphocytes but not neutrophils. Recombinant human LEC is an 11.2 kDa protein containing 97 amino acid residues, including the four conserved cysteine residues present in CC chemokines.

Anti-Human LEC Goat Polyclonal Antibody

TA328365 100 µg Ask for price

Human LEC/NCC-4 (CCL16)

MBS692056-0005mg 0.005mg
EUR 300

Human LEC/NCC-4 (CCL16)

MBS692056-002mg 0.02mg
EUR 450

Human LEC/NCC-4 (CCL16)

MBS692056-5x002mg 5x0.02mg
EUR 1725

Recombinant Human LEC/CCL16 protein

CD01396-5ug 5ug
EUR 176
Description: Human CCL16, also called Liver-expressed chemokine (LEC), Monotactin-1 (MTN-1), IL-10-inducible chemokine and so on, is expressed by the CCL16 gene located on the chromosome 17 in humans. The gene encodes a 120 a.a. residue precursor protein with a 23 a.a. residue predicted signal peptide that is cleaved to generate a 97 a.a. residue mature protein. The protein is secreted by the liver, thymus, spleen cells and showing chemotactic activity for lymphocytes and monocytes but it is distantly related to other CC chemokines, exhibiting less than 30 % sequence identity. CCL16 is highly induced by IL-10, IFN-γ and bacterial lipopolysaccharide in monmcytes and signal through CCR1, CCR2, CCR5, and CCR8.

Recombinant Human LEC (CCL16) Protein

PROTO15467-1 20ug
EUR 380.4
Description: LEC is a CC chemokine that can signal through the CCR8 and CCR1 receptors. It is expressed in the liver, spleen, and thymus. LEC is chemotactic towards monocytes and lymphocytes but not neutrophils. Recombinant human LEC is an 11.2 kDa protein containing 97 amino acid residues, including the four conserved cysteine residues present in CC chemokines.

LEC/NCC-4 Human Recombinant

rAP-0241 Inquiry Ask for price

Human LEC Recombinant Protein Lyophilized

EUR 341
Description: Human LEC Recombinant Protein Lyophilized

Human LEC Recombinant Protein Lyophilized

MBS8432637-INQUIRE INQUIRE Ask for price

LEC antibody

70R-LG003 50 ug
EUR 312
Description: Affinity purified Goat polyclonal LEC antibody

LEC antibody

10R-L115A 500 ug
EUR 240
Description: Mouse monoclonal LEC antibody

LEC Antibody

CSB-PA916043XA01DOA-02mg 0.2mg Ask for price
Description: Recombinant Arabidopsis thaliana LEC protein

LEC Antibody

CSB-PA916043XA01DOA-10mg 10mg Ask for price
Description: Recombinant Arabidopsis thaliana LEC protein

LEC antibody

MBS532318-05mg 0.5mg
EUR 370

LEC antibody

MBS532318-5x05mg 5x0.5mg
EUR 1525

LEC antibody

MBS535708-005mg 0.05mg
EUR 465

LEC antibody

MBS535708-5x005mg 5x0.05mg
EUR 1945

Biotinylated Anti-Human LEC Goat Polyclonal Antibody

TA328364 50 µg Ask for price

Recombinant Human LEC/NCC-4 (CCL16)

7-01792 5µg Ask for price

Recombinant Human LEC/NCC-4 (CCL16)

7-01793 20µg Ask for price

Recombinant Human LEC/NCC-4 (CCL16)

7-01794 1mg Ask for price

Recombinant Human LEC/NCC-4 (CCL16)

HECCP-1601 5ug Ask for price

Recombinant Human LEC/NCC-4 (CCL16)

MBS143272-0005mg 0.005mg
EUR 240

Recombinant Human LEC/NCC-4 (CCL16)

MBS143272-002mg 0.02mg
EUR 310

Recombinant Human LEC/NCC-4 (CCL16)

MBS143272-1mg 1mg
EUR 2880

Recombinant Human LEC/NCC-4 (CCL16)

MBS143272-5x1mg 5x1mg
EUR 12630

LEC / CCL16 / HCC4 Monoclonal antibody [Clone: LEC-14]

LEC-14-100ug 100 ug
EUR 141.79
Description: Identify and measure human LEC. Marker for inflammatory processes.

LEC / CCL16 / HCC4 Monoclonal antibody [Clone: LEC-14]

LEC-14-1mg 1 mg
EUR 897.6
Description: Identify and measure human LEC. Marker for inflammatory processes.

LEC / CCL16 / HCC4 Monoclonal antibody [Clone: LEC-14]

LEC-14-500ug 500 ug
EUR 479.6
Description: Identify and measure human LEC. Marker for inflammatory processes.

LEC / CCL16 / HCC4 Monoclonal antibody [Clone: LEC-57]

LEC-57-100ug 100 ug
EUR 141.79
Description: Identify and measure human LEC. Marker for inflammatory processes.

LEC / CCL16 / HCC4 Monoclonal antibody [Clone: LEC-57]

LEC-57-1mg 1 mg
EUR 897.6
Description: Identify and measure human LEC. Marker for inflammatory processes.

LEC / CCL16 / HCC4 Monoclonal antibody [Clone: LEC-57]

LEC-57-500ug 500 ug
EUR 479.6
Description: Identify and measure human LEC. Marker for inflammatory processes.

lec-7 Antibody

CSB-PA600640XA01CXY-02mg 0.2mg Ask for price
Description: Recombinant Caenorhabditis elegans lec-7 protein

lec-7 Antibody

CSB-PA600640XA01CXY-10mg 10mg Ask for price
Description: Recombinant Caenorhabditis elegans lec-7 protein

lec-3 Antibody

CSB-PA601014XA01CXY-02mg 0.2mg Ask for price
Description: Recombinant Caenorhabditis elegans lec-3 protein

lec-3 Antibody

CSB-PA601014XA01CXY-10mg 10mg Ask for price
Description: Recombinant Caenorhabditis elegans lec-3 protein

lec-8 Antibody

CSB-PA222370XA01CXY-02mg 0.2mg Ask for price
Description: Recombinant Caenorhabditis elegans lec-8 protein

lec-8 Antibody

CSB-PA222370XA01CXY-10mg 10mg Ask for price
Description: Recombinant Caenorhabditis elegans lec-8 protein

lec-1 Antibody

CSB-PA330605XA01CXY-02mg 0.2mg Ask for price
Description: Recombinant Caenorhabditis elegans lec-1 protein

lec-1 Antibody

CSB-PA330605XA01CXY-10mg 10mg Ask for price
Description: Recombinant Caenorhabditis elegans lec-1 protein

LEC/CCL16 Matched ELISA Antibody Pair Set, Human

MBS8118261-15Plates 15Plates
EUR 600

LEC/CCL16 Matched ELISA Antibody Pair Set, Human

MBS8118261-5Plates 5Plates
EUR 345

LEC/CCL16 Matched ELISA Antibody Pair Set, Human

MBS8118261-5x15Plates 5x15Plates
EUR 2755

HCC-4, LEC, NCC-4, CCL16, human

RC315-27 5ug
EUR 125.26

Human LEC/NCC-4 (CCL16) Recombinant Protein

100-060 20 µg
EUR 196.35
Description: LEC is a CC chemokine that can signal through the CCR8 and CCR1 receptors. It is expressed in the liver, spleen, and thymus. LEC is chemotactic towards monocytes and lymphocytes but not neutrophils. Recombinant human LEC is an 11.2 kDa protein containing 97 amino acid residues, including the four conserved cysteine residues present in CC chemokines.

Human LEC/NCC-4 (CCL16) Recombinant Protein

100-060S 5 µg
EUR 92.4
Description: LEC is a CC chemokine that can signal through the CCR8 and CCR1 receptors. It is expressed in the liver, spleen, and thymus. LEC is chemotactic towards monocytes and lymphocytes but not neutrophils. Recombinant human LEC is an 11.2 kDa protein containing 97 amino acid residues, including the four conserved cysteine residues present in CC chemokines.

LEC (CCL16) (NM_004590) Human Over-expression Lysate

E45H18931-2 20 ug
EUR 395

LEC (CCL16) (NM_004590) Human Over-expression Lysate

LS006360 100ug
EUR 628
Description: Transient overexpression lysate of chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 16 (CCL16)

LEC/CCL16 Protein, Human, Recombinant (His Tag)

E45H52205E1-50 50 ug
EUR 670.31

LEC/CCL16 Protein, Human, Recombinant (His Tag)

MBS8120314-005mg 0.05mg
EUR 340

LEC/CCL16 Protein, Human, Recombinant (His Tag)

MBS8120314-1mg 1mg
EUR 2530

LEC/CCL16 Protein, Human, Recombinant (His Tag)

MBS8120314-5x1mg 5x1mg
EUR 11240

LEC/CCL16 Protein, Human, Recombinant (His Tag)

MBS8120315-005mg 0.05mg
EUR 340

LEC/CCL16 Protein, Human, Recombinant (His Tag)

MBS8120315-5x005mg 5x0.05mg
EUR 1380

CCL16 LEC/NCC-4 Human Recombinant Protein

PROTO15467 Regular: 20ug
EUR 250
Description: CCL16 Human Recombinant produced in E. coli is a non-glycosylated, Polypeptide chain containing 97 amino acids and having a molecular mass of 11.2 kDa. The CCL16 is purified by proprietary chromatographic techniques.

LEC, NCC-4, Human (Liver-Expressed Chemokine)

MBS635010-0005mg 0.005mg
EUR 340

LEC, NCC-4, Human (Liver-Expressed Chemokine)

MBS635010-002mg 0.02mg
EUR 490

LEC, NCC-4, Human (Liver-Expressed Chemokine)

MBS635010-5x002mg 5x0.02mg
EUR 2055

LEC protein

30R-AL013 20 ug
EUR 312
Description: Purified recombinant Human LEC protein

LEC protein

MBS539381-002mg 0.02mg
EUR 465

LEC protein

MBS539381-5x002mg 5x0.02mg
EUR 1945